Wednesday, May 14

Kade's surgery

Friday, April 25th, Kade had surgery on both his feet.  His tendons were getting tighter and making it impossible for Kade to walk properly.  
We absolutely love and trust his doctor, Dr. Richard Shindell, but we had a few surprises so far: 
   1. having both feet done instead of just one. 
   2. the surgery took 2 hours instead of 15 minutes.
   3. Kade stayed overnight with alot of pain.
   4. Kade has to stay completely off his feet needing a wheelchair.
Needless to say, our little world has slowed down a little bit.  Since I have to carry Kade to the toilet everytime he needs to go, and he's on Hydrocodone for the pain, we are both tired and emotional.  We are so grateful to those who have helped us out during this crazy time. Who have made us dinners and have showed their love and concern.
Kade is such a trouper!  He definately knows how to roll with the punches.  If it weren't for his great attitude most of the time, I would have lost it!  He's cool with his wheelchair.  He's not afraid to tell anyone about his feet and why he's wearing casts.  Plus, he still does whatever he wants!  He crawls wherever he wants to, he plays with whatever he wants, he still cons his siblings into doing whatever he wants. The only thing is it just takes him a little longer to build his cool forts, and Mack has a little bit of advantage when they fight 'cause Kade can't catch him! 
This experience is building his character, and strengthening our faith as well as patience.  We know we are still so blessed, especially after seeing other kids who have much
 more serious conditions.  He has so many little friends who love him.  We love having him in our family so much.  He's such a sensitive little guy.  Sometimes, he'll have tears in his eyes, and say, "Mom, I'm crying because I love you!"
Can't say much more than that.  Love you all!


We are all "SPECIAL" said...

Oh my heavens! What a sweet little boy! I am sorry that you guys have to endure this pain. PLEASE let me know if there is ANYTHING I can do!!! I love ya!

Fuller Family said...

You better let me know if there is ANYTHING I can do to help. Even if it is giving you a break and taking Maren and Mack for an hour so you can relax! LET ME KNOW!!! I mean it!

roseanne said...

Hey there! I didn't even know you had a boy named Kade (Which will be my new baby's name)let alone that he needed surgery. I'm so glad we are getting together on memorial day so we can get to know everyone again! Can't wait to see ya!

Pepper Lovin! said...

What a brave boy! Will the surgery make he feet all the way better? Or will there be more surgery later on? You are such a good mom he is so blessed to have you.